


Defect/Bug #256

Updated by Xfel11 almost 9 years ago

The development of mark2 was continued by gsand. Thanks to xfel for the update. Time to test it and if it works fine to switch as it is maintained and the code structure a lot better than rtk. :) 

 Issues and concerns: 
 * -no hold/unhold feature- implemented by Xfel 
 * page up/down slow and only a few rows not real pages (press a hundred times to get to the server start up) 
 * start a server in the background from command line (you need to wait till it started up fully else you kill it) 
 * console color support behaves odd (on startup it works, later on it doesn't) 
 * -scripts and properties not reloading on ~restart and no ~reload command- ~reload | ~reload-plugin -> but doesn't reload built-in services 
 * console content is not mark/copy-able 
 * -mark2 commands in attached mode are prefixed a "~" which causes issues when used in screen/tmux, is difficult to use on mobile devices, unknown keyboard layouts- "." alias implemented 
 * -console console parsing doesn't work with other server version than latest spigot.- Tested with hubris and the 1.6 hub, can't reproduce. spigot.
